Pudsey baking competition and sale

We were overwhelmed with both the quantity and quality of the cakes, cupcakes and biscuits that the children brought in for our competition and sale yesterday.
Well done to everyone who took part in the Pudsey baking competition and cake sale for Children in Need. Members of the School council had a difficult challenge choosing their favourite bakes from so many entries. Their top choice was this pretty, colourful bake by Harriet W. from 5 MG. Well done Harriet! Charlie H from 6M came 2nd with a Pudsey face cake. Leo R from 4T and Gemma B from 6CK were voted joint 3rd place. Leo also baked a Pudesy face, and Gemma some prettily decorated cupcakes.
All of the entries were wonderful and it was hard to choose. Everyone should be proud of their efforts. After school every single cake was sold within 15 minutes! We are pleased to report that the Cake sale raised a wonderful £231.00. All the money raised will be donated to Children in Need.
Click here for photos of all the cakes!