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Oakfield Junior

Oakfield Junior

Celebration Assembly

All pupils attend a celebration assembly on Friday to share and celebrate pupil achievements.

Below are details of the pupils who were celebrated this week.

Stars of the Week

Week ending: 17th May 2024 

Class  Pupil Comments


Esme M and Austin W

I would like to choose two children! They have both been working hard and with enthusiasm on our maths unit of time. Very proud!

3MG Harper C Harper puts in an absolutely AMAZING effort with her Doodle maths and TT Rockstars homework. Well done Harper.


Aoife W

Aoife always tries so hard! She is extremely thoughtful in RE and PSHE and has made excellent progress in writing.


Nancy D

Nancy has worked so incredibly hard this week - she is on a mission to write as much as possible and has impressed her teachers so much!


Heidi F

Heidi is a super-star in every way.She is always ready to learn, she always shows the 5C's and she's a great friend too!


Adam S

Adam has been so helpful with ICT this week. A great IT trouble shooter! Well done.


The whole of Year 6

We are SO proud of you all! Well done for sharing focus and resilience during SATS week.


      "               "

Hard work pays off and now we have lots of fun activities and events to look forward to!! 

Sebastian CG

Seb has blown us away with his cool, calm attitude to the SATS. Very well done.


Jigsaw Award

Week ending: 17th May 2024 - Know how to help themselves and others when feeling upset



Emilia, Cameron, Brianna


Ava, Arlo, Anya


Sophie D, Isabella, Arthur, Ethan


Gracie, James, Shreyansh, Chloe


Jessica, Hayden, Evie-May


Alba, Abi, Adam


Isla, Mia


Simon, Ava



Mr Barrett

Joshua D'el, Mika

Stars of the Term - Spring 2024 

Will be posted at the end of each month

Class  Pupil Comments
3A Esme M Esme's class have voted for her because she is always kind, caring, sweet and works so hard.
3MG Madeleine O 3MG voted for Madeleine because she shows the 5C's every day and is a kind and caring friend who "helps me when I am embarrassed".
4BK Adam B 4BK have voted for the wonderful Adam.  "He is sooooo kind", "He is always kind and caring", "He has been so kind to me in Year 4".
4H Fleur E 4H have voted for Fleur because she is a good friend, she is extremely kind and she follows the 5C's.
5H Bertie B 5H have voted for Bertie because he is "a brilliant friend", "so kind", "works hard", and is "always happy and smiling and polite!".
5T Phoebe K Super courageous, kind and hard working.
6CK Amela T Lots of people in 6CK received votes, but the 'winner' was Amelia who the class said is a kind and funny friend who tries hard in class.
6M Bella S The class voted for Bella, recognising her kind and caring nature towards her peers, her excellent behaviour, her presentation of her work and for always displaying a positive attitude.
LAN Centre Joshua B Joshua has become so independent both in his work and organisation.  He always has a go at things even if it is tricky for him.

Doodle Maths Award - Winner - 3MG (62%) 

Week ending: 17th May 2024

Top class & % % on target
3A Amber B - 198
3MG Harper WB - 366
4BK Kairav S - 294
4H Jake C - 325
5H Evie T - 275
5T Olivia E - 129
6CK Alicia T-N - 58
6M James S - 106
LAN Sophie A - 111
Mr Barratt Matthew C - 108



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