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Oakfield Junior

Oakfield Junior


Governors at Oakfield take our responsibilities very seriously. We are involved in supporting the Headteacher and the rest of the school to deliver the best possible education and experience to the children. We manage the budget for salaries, running costs, maintenance and equipment. We are involved in developing policies and procedures, and key staff appointments. The most important role we have is monitoring the school's progress, working with the Head and the staff to set annual targets.

We are delighted by the continued improvement in school standards and attainment over the past few years, and we are very proud of the hard work of our children and staff in achieving these and building on these. We are confident this will be a continuing process.

We welcome feedback and involvement by parents. I am always pleased to hear from you. For general enquiries about the school please email If you wish to contact me directly,, I will do my best to get back to you as soon possible.

I hope our website will give you some indication that Oakfield is a very happy and thriving school. Nothing beats walking through the door and experiencing the buzz of the school in action.  However I believe that our website reflects that feeling and the commitment and passion we all share in making Oakfield Junior an excellent school.

Our Governing Body was reconstituted in July 2017, the terms of office are four years from this date.

If you would like to find out more about becoming a Governor please contact the school.

Tess Trewinnard,  Chair of Governors

For our Governors Impact Statement: Click Here.

The Governing Body:

Gillian Ward 

Type of Governor: Co-opted
Main role: Vice Chair of GB, Safer Recruitment, Data, Safeguarding and French.
Appointed from: March 2018
Appointed to: March 2026
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: GB 
Register of interests - relationships to members of staff or GB members: None
Register of interests - interests in trading companies: None
Governance roles in other educational settings: None
Register of interests - names of any body, charity etc in SCC area that are an officer etc: None
Attendance of meetings  2022-23:  %

Brian Egles 

Type of Governor: Co-opted
Main role: ICT, Science
Appointed from: December 2018
Appointed to: November 2026
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: GB
Register of interests - relationships to members of staff or GB members: None
Register of interests - interests in trading companies: Substantial Interests in Trading Companies - BJPCE Limited, Awesome Engineers Limited Names of any body, charity, association or organisation which operates in the Surrey County Council area of which you, your spouse or partner are a member or an officer - SATRO
Governance roles in other educational settings: None
Register of interests - names of any body, charity etc in SCC area that are an officer etc: Satro
Attendance of meetings  2022-23:  %

Paul Fair  

Type of Governor: Co-opted
Main role: Vice Chair, Chair of Resources, Pay Review, Headteacher Performance and Maths link.
Appointed from: September 2020
Appointed to: September 2024
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: GB
Register of interests - relationships to members of staff or GB members: None
Register of interests - interests in trading companies: None
Governance roles in other educational settings: None
Register of interests - names of any body, charity etc in SCC area that are an officer etc: Horsley Choral Society, National Trust
Attendance of meetings  2022-23:  %

Leigh Skilton 


Type of Governor: Parent 

Main roles:  PE, Outdoor learning and Extra-Curricular 

Appointed from:  September 2023
Appointed to: September  2027
Term of Office: 4 years
Appointed by: Parents
Register of Interests - relationships to members of staff or GB members: none
Register of interests - names of any body, charity etc in SCC area that are an officer etc: none
Attendance of meetings  2022-23:  N/A


Alison Hunt

Type of Governor: Co-Opted

Main roles:  CLI (LAC)  Equality & Inclusion & Disadvantaged, Safer Recruitment,
Link -  History, Geography, Art and DT

Appointed from:  December 2018

Appointed to: December 2026
Term of Office: 4 years
Appointed by: Governors
Register of Interests - relationships to members of staff or GB members: none
Register of Interests - names of any body, charity etc in SCC area that are an officer etc: Leatherhead Choral Society (Treasurer)
Attendance of meetings  2022-23:

Timothy Bennett


Type of Governor:  Associate
Main role:  N/A
Appointed from: November 2023
Appointed to:  November  2027
Term of office:  4 years
Appointed by:  GB
Register of interests - relationships to members of staff or GB members
Register of interests - interests in trading companies
Governance roles in other educational settings
Register of interests - names of any body, charity etc in SCC area that are an officer etc
Attendance of meetings  2022-23: N/A

Tess Trewinnard  

Type of Governor: Co-opted
Main role:Chair, Steering Group, Resources Panel, Governor responsible for liaison with LA in the event of allegation (Child Protection) against Head,  SEND, Safer Recruitment, PSHE link
Appointed from: July 2021
Appointed to: July 2025
Term of office:  4 years
Appointed by:  Local Authority 
Register of interests - relationships to members of staff or GB members
Register of interests - interests in trading companies
Governance roles in other educational settings
Register of interests - names of any body, charity etc in SCC area that are an officer etc
Attendance of meetings  2022-23:  %

Jenny Mare  

Type of Governor: Staff
Main role: Safer Recruitment
Appointed from: September 2014
Appointed to: November 2022
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: Staff
Register of interests - relationships to members of staff or GB members: None
Register of interests - interests in trading companies: None
Governance roles in other educational settings: None
Register of interests - names of any body, charity etc in SCC area that are an officer etc: None
Attendance of meetings  2022-23: 

Gary Myers


Type of Governor: Associate Governor (staff)
Main role: Associate Members are appointed by the Governing Body. They are not Governors but can contribute specifically on issues related to their areas of expertise (e.g. Finance or previous GB experience) 
Appointed from: September 2016
Appointed to: September 2020
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: GB
Register of interests - relationships to members of staff or GB members: None
Register of interests - interests in trading companies: None
Governance roles in other educational settings: None
Register of interests - names of any body, charity etc in SCC area that are an officer etc: None
Attendance of meetings  2022-23:   %

Bernadette Smith

Type of Governor:

Main role: Clerk

Appointed from: January 2017

Register of interests - relationships to members of staff or GB members: None

Register of interests - interests in trading companies: None

Governance roles in other educational settings: Clerk for Babcock and other Surrey Schools

Register of interests - names of any body, charity etc in SCC area that are an officer etc: None


Attendance of meetings  2022-23: 

James Treen

Type of Governor: Co-Opted (staff)
Main role: Assistant Headteacher
Appointed from: October 2014
Appointed to: November 2022
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: GB
Register of interests - relationships to members of staff or GB members: Spouse to Mrs Treen - teaching staff
Register of interests - interests in trading companies: None
Governance roles in other educational settings: None
Register of interests - names of any body, charity etc in SCC area that are an officer etc: None
Attendance of meetings  2022-23: 

Debbie Willemse


Type of Governor: Head Teacher
Main role:
Appointed from: January 2016
Appointed to: N/A
Term of office: ex officio
Appointed by: N/A
Register of interests - relationships to members of staff or GB members: None
Register of interests - interests in trading companies: None
Governance roles in other educational settings: None
Register of interests - names of any body, charity etc in SCC area that are an officer etc: None
Attendance of meetings  2022-23: 100%

Anthony Rapley

Type of Governor: Parent
Main role: Links; Community Links (Friends), PE, Outdoor learning and Extra-Curricular 
Appointed from: October 2021
Appointed to: September 2025
Term of office
Appointed by: Parents
Register of interests - relationships to members of staff or GB members: None
Register of interests - interests in trading companies: None
Governance roles in other educational settings: None
Register of interests - names of any body, charity etc in SCC area that are an officer etc: None
Attendance of meetings  2022-23: 71%
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