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Oakfield Junior

Oakfield Junior

The School Day

School times:  

School opens                8:35am  

Registration                   8:45am

Break                               10:35am -  10:50am

Lunch                              12:10pm -   1:10pm

Afternoon session        1:10pm  -  3:15pm

Children should arrive no earlier than 8.30 am as there is no supervision prior to this time. Children can register in their classroom from 8.35am. Registers close at 8.45 am. If your child is late, please ensure they are brought in via the office so they are registered.

PE Days:-

Year 3 - Wednesdays

Year 4 - Fridays

Year 5 - Thursdays

Year 6 - Mondays

LAN - Wednesdays

House Colours:-

Griffins - Red

Unicorns - Blue

Dragons - Green

Parent cars and access to car park

If you are bringing your child to school by car, please ensure you have read the 'access to car park' letter, attached below, and that you adhere to our rules regarding access to the staff car park. 



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